Strange Vet Requests

May 15th, 2014

This story is written by Br. Andy Roark and is originally from??Dr. Andy Roark???s Facebook page.

As a profession, veterinary medicine is one in which vets are used to going to great lengths to meet the needs of the families they serve. Being asked to make a house call, visit a sick patient outside in the owner???s car or stay past closing time are all quite common in a vet’s line of work.

Still, even in the veterinary medicine business, while vets strive to make pets and their people as happy as possible, there are some requests that may be considered a bit much. On Dr. Andy Roark’s Facebook page he??asked veterinary professionals to tell him some of the most bizarre requests they???ve gotten from pet owners. Here???s what they reported.


  1. We had a client who wanted us to??neuter her dog instead of spay her??because it was cheaper.
  2. A client was??boarding a dog??at the clinic and requested that we keep a photo of the family in the kennel with the dog. And not only the photo, but a frame that you can record messages into. The family requested that we play the message at least six times a day.
  3. We once had a woman who wanted us to take a look at her duck because it “wasn’t swimming.” Her chicken??was fine, but it sure wasn’t a duck!
  4. We had a client claim that the reason her??cat??kept getting sick was because it was urinating on mothballs and that the urine added to the mothballs was making meth, so??the cat was high.
  5. I had a client ask for a copy of my license so she could open up a veterinary account at a distributor to get ???flea medicine.??? She promised not to buy controlled drugs.
  6. I was asked if I could provide a list of veterinary medications that could be used by humans and if I could help procure these medications in case of a doomsday scenario. (This client is a “prepper.”)
  7. We were asked to perform??a private cremation??for a cat’s tail after he had a tail amputation. We did it, too!
  8. We had a client bring in??a cat to be neutered. He asked if, prior to the surgery, we could place his??cat??in a kennel with a female??cat??for one final … . Our sharp receptionist politely responded with, “I’m sorry, sir, but we no longer offer that service.
  9. “We had a client insist we refer to her pet as “Mister” until he got to ???know??? us. He would then let us know when it was OK for us to use his given name.
  10. A pet owner asked for testicles from his dog back (after the dog was neutered) so he could keep them in a jar at his office. When his daughter was old enough to date, he planned to bring the boyfriend in the room and explain what happened to the last boyfriend who didn’t treat her well.
  11. Umm, we’ve had more than one person lift a shirt to show us a rash.
  12. A client asked the male doctor to dress like a woman and wear a wig because the dog didn’t like men.
  13. We had a client come in the other day for an exam, worried about the two large lumps on their “female” dog’s underbelly. Turns out the??dog??was not a female after all!
  14. New clients requested that I cover the windows and turn out the lights when they arrived for their pets??? appointments ??? because they were vampires. (They ended up being wonderful pet owners.) New staff members thought I had lost my mind when I informed them of this client???s special needs.
  15. We had a client ask if she could hold her kid’s birthday party in our hospital during work hours.

And that???s just the tip of the iceberg. See the??complete list of more than 500 submissions??on Dr. Andy Roark???s Facebook page.

This Blog was shared by the furry family at Petplan Australasia. Petplan Pet Insurance specialises in animal and animal industry insurance. Our practices keep the role that pet insurance plays in responsible pet ownership and the health of the pet at the forefront. For tips to keep your pet healthy, make sure you follow us on Facebook.


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