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Is your pet’s name making you vulnerable to cyber-criminals?

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021
  With such technology and an online–focused world, passwords have become an annoying necessity in life. We are always forgetting them, we are being constantly asked to change them, and worse; we are now
Petplan NZ - Pet safe Easter - Blog banner

Easter Safety Tips for Pet Parents

Thursday, April 1st, 2021
As we get excited about an Easter weekend full of family, friends, and fun, remember to keep an eye on your furry friends. Many common treats and traditions that we enjoy over the Easter holidays can cause serious harm t
cat mood

3 Reasons your Cat???s in a Mood

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020
Cats can be very temperamental at times. But often there is a reason. If you notice a change in your cat???s mood, try to determine why and switch things up to improve their happiness. Your Cat is Bored! Cats, particular
dog eating

Is your dog eating too quickly?

Thursday, March 12th, 2020
Some dogs are notoriously fast eaters, barely having time to breathe as they scoff down their meals. This can make mealtime even harder if there are multiple dogs that eat at a different pace, allowing for competition co
Dog names

7 Signs You’ve Found the Perfect Dog Name

Monday, March 9th, 2020
Picking the best name for your new pooch is a stressful challenge to take on for new pet owners and experienced ones alike. Unlike human children, you don???t run the risk of them being bullied for their names (as far as
cat age

Are you Helping your Cat Age Gracefully?

Thursday, January 16th, 2020
Cats glide through life with ease and grace. But as they grow older things start to slow down. Although they age much better than dogs, it can still be a hard process for cats. One that requires extra care and attention
cat training

Common Cat Training Mistakes

Thursday, July 5th, 2018
There is a common misconception that cats are too difficult to train, or not trainable at all. Owners often make the same mistakes, which is what makes it seem impossible. But cats are intelligent, and can be perfect pet
Nail Clipping

Alternatives to Nail Clipping

Thursday, June 28th, 2018
Some dog owners know all too well the struggle of trying to cut their pet???s nails. It can be arduous process as many pets don???t like their paw area being handled. Pets begin to stress out and can become agitated and
The tick season is coming


Wednesday, September 12th, 2012
At Petplan, we come across dozens of cases of tick-bites in pets every year. Even with all the precautions taken by the owners, we still had over 150 claims for cases of tick bites totalling more than $120,000! Tick-bite

What to do if your dog is overweight?

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
Do you have a chubby Collie? Is your Puli looking a little roly-poly? You???re not alone: canine obesity is a common problem. Here are the tell-tale signs of an overweight dog and some tips for getting your pet in shape