Assisting Our Customers 

Petplan are committed to supporting and taking extra care of our customers who experience vulnerability. There are many factors which may cause vulnerability such as:
  • Family or Domestic Violence
  • Mental Illness
  • Culturally or Linguistically Diverse
  • Financial Hardship
  • Age- related
  • Language Barrier
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Status
  • Physical Health Conditions
  • Literacy Barriers 
  • Remote Location

Petplan understands that every customer is different which is why we are committed to treating our customers through these tough times with dignity, care, respect, compassion and flexibility.
We have internal policies and training appropriate to our employees’ roles to help them understand if you may be vulnerable, and decide how best, and to what extent, we can support you. We may also refer you to additional support, such as people or services with specialist training and experience.
Petplan is here to assist our customers and support them especially during tough times.

Family & Domestic Violence Policy
This policy applies to all Petplan customers affected by Family and Domestic violence. Petplan recognises that family violence is not acceptable in any relationship and understand it takes courage to openly speak about your situation. Our customers who may be experiencing Family or Domestic violence will be treated with dignity, compassion and respect.
Where you may disclose family violence, or where we have reason to believe that family violence is occurring, we will handle this information with sensitivity and will consider on an individual basis the measures to support you.

The below policy provides you with an overview of the process you can expect us to undertake supporting our customers experiencing Family and Domestic violence.

Support Services

We understand if you are experiencing difficult circumstances and we are ready to provide the additional support you might need from at this time. Visit our Contact Us page.

If you need support from someone else such as a lawyer, consumer representative, interpreter, family member or friend, please let us know and we will work with you to accommodate your request.

Always call 000 if you or your family are in immediate danger.

Agency Phone Website Services Provided
  1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732   National 24-hour Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Line.
  MENSLINE 1300 78 99 78   24/7 support, information and referral service for men with family and     
  relationship issues.
  Lifeline 13 11 14   24/7 counselling and referral service for people in a crisis situation.
  Beyond Blue 1300 224 636   24/7 support to people experiencing anxiety or depression.
  National Debt
1800 007 007   Financial counselling is a free, confidential service to assist people in
  financial difficulty.
  National Association
  of  Community Legal
  Centres   An independent not-for-profit community organisation that provides legal
  and related services to the public, focusing on the disadvantaged and
  people with special needs.
  Support from your
  Your bank may be able to help provide relief for your mortgage payments or provide other forms of relief.
  Utility bills   If you’re finding it tough to pay your bills give your utility company a call because they may be able to assist.

Financial Hardship
Financial hardship means you may have difficulty in meeting your financial obligations. Petplan has policies and training for employees to help them identify if you are experiencing financial hardship and decide how we may be able to provide support to you. Support may include:
  • fast-tracking of claims if you have an urgent financial need
  • payment options for your claims excess
  • putting action to recover an amount from you on hold if we identify you are  experiencing financial hardship

Mental Health
Petplan is committed to treating people with past or current mental health conditions fairly and with compassion and respect. We have policies and training in place to drive and improve employee awareness and understanding of anti-discrimination laws regarding mental health.

We are here to help
The team at Petplan understand that sometimes our customers may experience difficult circumstances. We are ready to provide any further support you may need from us. Furthermore, we offer additional contact methods to customers who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment via the National Relay Service (NRS). We are here to help in anyway we can. For more information about how you can contact us, visit our Contact us page.

Have you got a Question?

Or would you like further information on our insurance policies?

Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today on   1300 738 225


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