Equine Customer Stories

  • Horse Detail Story

    Horse Detail Story

    “Last year I noticed a small, weeping wound under my horse’s jaw, which upon examination by a vet was thought to be a tooth root abscess. I’d never heard of this before and was astonished how serious it quickly became, requiring two surgeries to remove four teeth and part of her jawbone, and many weeks in hospital. It was the first infection of this type the vets had ever seen.
    For months later we’re not out of the woods yet, but she is making progress every day. I have had my horse since she was born and she’s incredibly special to me, and dealing with such a serious issue has been extremely stressful. I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been without Petplan there to pay over $5,500 for the veterinary bill.
    Petplan has paid everything, I’ve claimed promptly with their easy claims process, and has allowed me to give my horse the best care and the best chance of survival, which as a university student I never would have been able to do. I recommend Petplan to everyone! This condition was caused by nothing more than bad luck, and is the type of thing you always think will happen to someone else. I’ll never have an uninsured horse again!”
  • Bear Story

    Bear Story

    “Bear, our adorable and much loved rescue miniature horse, suddenly came down with severe right foreleg lames. The cause of Bear’s lameness was difficult to diagnose. However, under the care of a lameness equine specialist and following a high-density x-ray, Bear was diagnosed with a very rare condition called shoulder dysplasia.
    We were devastated because there were only two treatment options; expensive surgery or humanely putting him to sleep. Our decision to go ahead with the expensive surgery was an easy choice because Bear had Petplan insurance.
    Bear’s surgery involved the insertion of titanium implants in his shoulder. Post-operatively, Bear developed pneumonia which extended his hospital stay to 19 days. Thankfully, he has almost finished his rehabilitation program and we are looking forward to seeing him return to his happy, contented life with his paddock mate Wicca.
    Petplan paid out over $6,000 for Bear’s Forelimb Lameness.
    Originally, I decided to insure my two miniature horses because as horse owners know, these amazing creatures do not know how to play quietly in the paddock, and are prone to mishaps. I never expected having Petplan insurance would contribute to saving little Bear’s life. Thank you Petplan.”
  • Lightning  Story

    Lightning Story

    “It was a really hot day, over 40 degrees, when we noticed Lightning wasn’t eating and his attempt at drinking was more him just resting his mouth in the water trough. The vet came and after some tests, decided he was severely dehydrated and he needed to be admitted to hospital to be put on IV fluids and for further tests to be done. In total, Lightning spent 2 weeks in the vet hospital before he was able to return home.
    The final diagnosis, Lightning had contracted an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, and because he was unwell he didn’t feel like drinking, this lead to him becoming dehydrated and worsened the illness. A month later Lightning is now back to himself, enjoying Pony Club and preparing for upcoming shows with his best friend.
    I really must thank the wonderful staff at Petplan, they made the entire claims process really easy. Petplan paid out over $3,200.”
  • Anna Story

    Anna Story

    “Anna (Anniversary Dance) is a high level performance horse and recently qualified to compete at 1* eventing. In April 2015, I took her to an event where she presented on the morning with a swollen splint area on her Left Hind leg, and although she wasn’t seemingly lame on it, she wasn’t moving correctly. I took her to the vet for further assessment. To my utter devastation, Anna had broken her Splint Bone in her leg in 3 places and required immediate, expensive surgery.
    After 2 weeks in hospital and $6,000 worth of vet bills, Petplan happily paid for the bill. Anna is around 11 weeks into her recovery now and is merely 4 weeks from completing rehab. There’s no way I could have done this without the support of Petplan & especially the lovely Alinta my amazing customer care representative.
    When I bring her back into work – I’ll be dedicating my first win to the amazing team at Petplan for getting me there.”

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