Real Pet Insurance Australia

Our Pet Insurance is the Real Deal

It’s official: pet owners in Australia love their pets! It’s claimed that we spent more than $12.2 billion on pet products and services in 2016. While some may dispute this figure, there’s no doubt that pet ownership and spending on pets is on the increase. There are over 24 million pets in Australia, with over two in every five households playing host to a dog, three in ten households looking after a cat and one in every ten households watching fish swim around a tank!
However, while pet owners are prepared to spend mega-bucks on grooming services, high-quality foods, toys and even clothing and doggy day spas, how much are you prepared to spend on ensuring that your pet is covered by the kind of real pet insurance that will pay out when the going gets tough? When you buy cover from Petplan, you can rest assured that you’ll be getting high-quality, Australian real pet insurance that will take care of unexpected events.

Is Pet Insurance a Necessity?

Many pet owners aren’t convinced that pet insurance is a necessity. After all, if your pet is ill or has an accident, you’ll just pay for the treatment. But veterinary fees have a way of escalating out of control, and before you know it, what appeared to be a simple upset tum can soon turn into thousands of dollars’ worth of x-rays, tests and treatments.
Just imagine if your precious pet was diagnosed with a serious illness or was involved in a nasty accident. Do you really want to have to choose between saying yes to life-saving treatment or having to admit that the cost is outside of your financial capability? With Petplan, you don’t have to make the decision as your pet will be covered for all eventualities, depending on the type of plan you take.

Why Choose Petplan?

You’ve decided that insurance is a good idea, so why choose cover with Petplan? Well, for starters we specialise in pet insurance. We provide the kind of genuine and real pet insurance Australia needs. We don’t offer home insurance, or car insurance or life insurance – we won’t insure your mobile phone – but what we will do is give you high-quality, value-for-money pet insurance that will provide you with the cover you need for your pet and your pocket. We’re part of one of the largest names in the global pet insurance industry and have the best pet insurance on the market – for real!
Of course, there are many other pet insurance companies offering cover for your pets, and yes, they may be cheaper than we are. But do they offer the same levels of cover? Do they offer lifetime policies? Will they cover seniors? What excess do they want? How quickly do they pay out? As you can see, it’s not just a simple case of choosing the cheapest cover; it’s about choosing the right cover for you. After all, if you don’t have the correct cover, you might as well have no cover at all!

Request Your Free Quotation

Requesting a quotation for our insurance is easy with Petplan – it’s completely free, and you’re under no obligation to take the cover. Simply complete our online quotation form or, alternatively, if you’d like to speak to one of our advisors call 1300 738 225. We’re here to talk 7 days a week.
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Real pet insurance for ultimate peace of mind

Not all pet insurance policies are equal. Some contain exclusions and sub limits in order to restrict the amount of claims you can make and what you can claim on. Have peace of mind from Petplan knowing that you are comprehensively covered.

We make it very clear to show you what you are eligible and not eligible to claim on. The details of our policy are easy to read and understand to ensure that you fully comprehend our insurance.

Plus, if you are unsure of anything or have a question, we are just a phone call or email away and our staff will be more than happy to assist you.

At Petplan, we only focus on pets, we are the experts in pet insurance and have designed our policies to give pet owners ultimate peace of mind.

Why it's important to make sure you're getting the real pet insurance

There are a range of pet insurance policies on the market, yet they do not meet Petplan’s ability to cover the lifetime chronic illnesses that some pets inherit. Lower priced pet insurance means lower coverage in what you are entitled to claim on.*#

Other policies on the market provide basic cover but limit certain things like consultation fees, if you require multiple vet visits with your pet, you will be out of pocket for these costs – even though you have insurance!

Petplan is real pet insurance that you can rely on. We will be there for you when you need us and to help with unexpected veterinary bills. Giving you peace of mind in such a stressful time.

Why Australian needs Petplan pet insurance

Australia has such a diverse nature system which can pose a danger to your pet, snakes and spiders are animals which can appear in your very backyard and hurt your pet. Dogs tend to be territorial and protect the house, but they may come off second best against a snake.

The heat in Australia can be so extreme that our pets can burn themselves by walking on the pavement! Our nature and climate can endanger our pets and cause them injury and illness. With Petplan you will be able to afford the best quality treatment available to your pet. We offer real pet insurance to Australia and are proud to give pet owners peace of mind.*#

When you are faced with large veterinary bills you will be glad you chose Petplan, with our low excesses and wide range of cover we will be able to help you with the cost of unexpected veterinary bills.*#

Petplan offers Australia real pet insurance. So give us a call on 1300 738 225 and find out more.

*This information does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the PDS before making a decision to purchase the product.

#Subject to meeting terms and conditions. Each claim is individually assessed against the terms and conditions of the policy to determine claim outcome.
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Or would you like further information on our insurance policies?

Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today on   1300 738 225


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