Date: 16/06/15

Anna's Story


Anna's Story

Anna (Anniversary Dance) is a high level performance horse and recently qualified to compete at 1* eventing. In April 2015, I took her to an event where she presented on the morning with a swollen splint area on her LH Hind leg, and although she wasn’t seemingly lame on it, she wasn’t moving correctly. I took her to the vet for further assessment. To my utter devastation, Anna had broken her Splint Bone in her leg in 3 places and required immediate, expensive surgery.  
After 2 weeks in hospital and $6,000* worth of vet bills, Petplan happily paid for the bill. Anna is around 11 weeks into her recovery now and is merely 4 weeks from completing rehab. There’s no way I could have done this without the support of Petplan & especially the lovely Alinta my amazing Customer Care representative.
When I bring her back into work – I’ll be dedicating my first WIN to the amazing team at Petplan for getting me there. 
*Less any applicable excess and non-claimable items.

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