Date: 07/06/17

Astro's Story


Astro's Story

We've had Astro for about 18 months since he was 8 weeks old. He's a huge part of our family.

Unfortunately Astro chewed off a piece of his Kong toy and swallowed it causing a bowel obstruction. He quickly went from his usual happy self to a vomiting, shivering, quiet dog who was clearly in a lot of pain.

The vet suggested a minimum of supportive fluids and pain relief but knowing we had pet insurance we allowed the vet to complete the tests he needed. It was so sad to see him in so much pain - he's normally extremely energetic, so to see him so quiet and shivering with pain was very hard.

He's now made a full recovery and we went back to the vet today to thank them and give everyone puppy cuddles - he's now back to his old self! Thanks so much Petplan for allowing us to prioritise Astro's care without having to worry about the potential expense.

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