Date: 07/07/16

Bear's Story


Bear's Story

Bear, our adorable and much loved rescue miniature horse, suddenly came down with severe right foreleg lameness. The cause of Bear’s lameness was difficult to diagnose. However, under the care of a lameness equine specialist and following a high-density x-ray, Bear was diagnosed with a very rare condition called shoulder dysplasia.

We were devastated because there were only two treatment options; expensive surgery or humanely putting him to sleep. Our decision to go ahead with the expensive surgery was an easy choice because Bear had Petplan insurance.

Bear’s surgery involved the insertion of titanium implants in his shoulder. Post-operatively, Bear developed pneumonia which extended his hospital stay to 19 days. Thankfully, he has almost finished his rehabilitation program and we are looking forward to seeing him return to his happy, contented life with his paddock mate Wicca.

Petplan paid out over $6,000* for Bear’s Forelimb Lameness.

Originally, I decided to insure my two miniatures horses because as horse owners know, these amazing creatures do not know how to play quietly in the paddock, and are prone to mishaps. I never expected having Petplan insurance would contribute to saving little Bear’s life. Thank you Petplan.  

*Less any applicable excess and non-claimable items.

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