Date: 09/12/16

Dogs Victoria Big Day Out for Dogs

The Big Day Out for Dogs is an annual festive community event held by Dogs Victoria on Sunday 11th of December at KCC Park Skye. This event showcases a wide variety of breeds, clubs and dog activities for the general public, as well as a great opportunity for you to spoil your furry friends at the Canine Christmas Market.

Dogs Victoria is welcoming every dog lover and owner to come along and meet their members and dogs, learn all about purebred dogs, and get involved in as many canine activities as you like. You will be able to see the dogs in action as they partake in a variety of sports and activities including dances with dogs, lure coursing, and conformation (dog showing). If your dog would rather participate in these activities, you can enter in some of the competitions such as happiest dog, most spectacular trick, dog and owner look-a-like, or run in the relay race.

The Canine Christmas Market is another major attractions at the Big Day Out for Dogs with nearly 60 stalls last year selling everything your dog could ever need.

If you are not currently a dog owner, there is a huge opportunity to meet members of certain pure breed dogs which will give you the chance to pick their brain and find the perfect dog that will best suit your family and lifestyle.

To find out more about the Big Day Out for Dogs, visit their website.

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