Date: 03/05/17

Eddie's Story


Eddie's Story

I adopted Eddie last October, still technically considered a "kitten" - he was the biggest kitten you have ever seen at 5.5kg. He is now 1 year and 4 months. Eddie has been vital in healing my broken heart left when I lost my cat of 16 years, Amigo (after spending 9 weeks in remission, he sadly lost his battle with large cell gastric lymphoma).

Eddie although very shy when i first got him, has now found a whole lot of confidence none of us ever knew he had! This led him to getting into anything and everything. He loves going for walks on his lead and terrorising the dog, who at 13 has had to get used to waking up with a cat staring at him, only millimetres away!

When Eddie went lame one day we assumed it was due to something he had walked on and took him to the vet who put him on antibiotics. When the issue arose again, the vet recommended we do a biopsy, where her suspicions were confirmed as "pododermatitis". Thankfully a course of steroids and managing his diet meant we have not had any further re-occurrences.

Overall the cost for this well exceeded $2,000. I was never worried about how much it costs as I have fantastic vets who know my cats are always covered fully with Petplan. I got the whole amount back from Petplan minus the excess - I couldn't believe it since i had barely paid $300 in premiums! What a great investment!

Apart from his change in diet, Eddie is a normal active little boy who loves his walks and annoying his canine brother!

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