Date: 27/10/17

Lily's Story


Lily's Story

We have had our gorgeous Devon Rex, Lily, for five years. Lily is a free-spirited and excitable cat who has affectionately earned herself the name of 'Velcro Kitty' as she loves to be wherever we are.

Lily has a fascination with chewing inanimate objects. her love affair first began with a rubber mat. Unfortunately, chewing wasn't enough for Lily and she (unknowingly to us) swallowed a small piece of rubber that got stuck in her small intestine. After a couple of days of not being herself and vomiting, we rushed her to the vet where we found out she had a blockage. She had emergency abdominal obstruction surgery and a 6 day stay at the vet as she didn't take well to the antibiotics.

Unfortunately Lily's love affair didn't end then. Despite keeping our house 'Devon Rex friendly', in August this year, Lily found (again, unknowingly to us) a jewellery organza bag. She ate this bag and had yet again further emergency abdominal obstruction surgery with a short stay in the vet. Again, Lily didn't cope with the antibiotics as well as the stress of being in her least favourite place. In addition to abdominal obstruction surgery, Lily had a quick visit to the animal emergency centre earlier this year for trapped stomach gas!

We are so grateful for having insurance with Petplan. Without Petplan coming to our rescue, we would now be out of pocket just over $5,000. We have nothing but praise for Petplan as they have always paid our claim swiftly and hassle-free. We highly recommend them.

We would like to say that Lily's incidents are out of character but unfortunately she loves to chew! We are always careful to safely lock away any 'attractive' items.

We are happy to report that Lily is back to good health and has been very well-behaved. Her fur is slowly growing back from her shaved stomach! The poor little thing is still a little sad from her operations though!

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