Date: 27/10/17

Lucy's Story


Lucy's Story

Lucy came to us at approx 15 weeks of age. She was unwanted by her previous owner as she had funny (or as they said 'unwanted) colouring. We all think she is beautiful!

Before we knew what the problem was, Lucy was just acting a little 'oddly'. We couldn't quite work out why, so off we went to the emergency vet - turns out she had a high fever, changes to bloodwork suggesting infection and was uncomfortable when they palpated her abdomen. She was a bit of a mystery to them and recommended investigations.

Despite being a short hair dog and brushing her regularly, a grass seed managed to find a way to burrow in through the skin and travel through to her spinal muscles! A major work up including CT scan and surgery with a specialist veterinary surgeon ensued and the pesky little seed was located and removed.

Without insurance I still would have done everything necessary to cover the costs - taken out a credit card, sold my car, gotten a second job! I'm so grateful to Petplan for their support and thank my stars we took out insurance for her!

Thankfully Lucy has recovered 100%!

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