Date: 16/09/16

Petplan Australian Sponsored Pet Census 2016

Nationwide census – this time for pets
Pet Census 2016, Australia’s most comprehensive nationwide survey for pets, has been launched on 1st September 2016 to develop a clear picture of pet ownership in Australia.
Following on from the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census, which only collects data on humans; Petplan decided it was time to stop overlooking pets. The premier pet insurance provider has commissioned this census to explore areas relating to the relationships Australians have with their pets.
“We feel that pets are such valuable and important members of society that they should be counted.” said Travis Atkinson from Petplan Australasia. “We are calling on all pet owners to complete the Pet Census 2016 survey so as to evaluate what it is like to be a pet owner in Australia today.”
“Pet Census 2016 is steered towards adopting practices that promote positive pet welfare and generally encourage a successful and happy relationship between the owners and their companion animals. While Australians are already known to be a nation of animal lovers, Pet Census 2016 may demonstrate that pets play a big part in making us compassionate, happier, healthier and more sociable.”

The Pet Census 2016 survey will be available for pet owners to complete via the website, from 1st September to 1st November 2016. This short 10-minute census will go a long way in furthering research and development for pet welfare. Results of the Census will be sent to any pet owners who have requested results while submitting their census data.
Petplan is the largest and most experienced pet insurance provider worldwide. Over the past decade, the company has become the leading pet insurance partner for Australian pet owners.
Pet Census 2016:
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