Date: 29/08/17

Roxy's Story


Roxy's Story

I have had my cat (I still call her a kitten) 'Roxy', for 4.5 years. 

I've only claimed one visit when she was sick (vomiting/dry reaching from licking her sister & getting furballs). It became lodged & she couldn't eat, then gouging and repeatedly throwing up for about 7 days. The concern was when first taken to the emergency vet, they checked her and said "do you know she has a massive heart murmur." I didn't.

When she was 1, she got electrocuted at a neighbouring substation when she crawled under the fence & couldn't get out. She should have died with the shock. The blessing 6 months later, was she was sick from the furball obstruction, was that the murmur was discovered and I was able to observe and look after her with that. The murmur isn't covered, but it's peace of mind to know any other treatments are, and that when she's injured or ill, I don't hesitate to get her checked.

If i wasn't covered by Petplan, I would be hit with bills i wouldn't be able to afford or I would be hesitating on checking her health due to the fact of the high vet bills.

This was absolutely out of the blue as Roxy is routinely happy, content, loving, and a beautiful cat. When she looks tentative, quiet or reserved, I can tell that something is wrong.

Roxy thankfully recovered, although her heart murmur still exists. My brother is a vet and he suggested to just keep her happy, healthy and calm for her life - I do. I bought a house with a beautiful yard; created beautiful spaces she loves; she sleeps in the bedroom, by the sun, on the sofa, and in the front window where she waits for me to come home. 

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