Date: 30/03/17

VNCA Conference | Petplan

The 2017 Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia is being held from the 29th – 31st of March in Sydney. Petplan are proud silver sponsors of the annual event that is an innovative three day educational program which includes a wide range of speakers spread over four streams. This includes keynote presentations, workshops, general, health and wellness, and advanced presentations.

Not only does the VNCA Conference inspire Vet Nurses within the industry, it is also offers exceptional networking opportunities kicking off before the event and continues throughout the entire three days.

High quality presenters from across Australia and the world will present educational sessions and workshops across the broad range of segments within the industry. One of the main speaker is internationally recognised Megan Brashear from Oregon USA. Megan has presented at many international conferences in America and the UK and is well known in the industry for sharing her broad knowledge on subjects including anaesthesia, ECC, internal medicine and surgery.

If you are attending the conference, click here to find a program of all the scheduled events or visit

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