Spaying 101 – Everything you need to know

May 10th, 2018


Spaying, Neutering and De-sexing are all the same procedures with different terms. As pet owners, these terms might be overwhelming with many apprehensive concerns and questions. As advocated by almost every animal welfare organization and vets, Spaying or Neutering your pet dog is a safety measure that is strongly supported.

What is Spaying/Neutering?

It is of utmost importance for pet owners to understand what this procedure means for both you and the dog. For most home dogs that live a healthy and event-free life, desexing will be a significant surgical procedure. Spaying and Neutering are major medical measures that require a high level of care and skill.

Spaying refers to the removal of a female dog???s reproductive organs while neutering refers to the same procedure in male dogs. When a female is spayed the procedure involves removal of her ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. This further renders the dog’s heat cycle thus eliminates the ability to reproduce. When a male dog is neutered, both his testicles and their associated structures are removed. Like for females, the male dogs are also further unable to reproduce which in turn eliminates their breeding instincts.

Why De-sex?

All over the world, there are millions of puppies and dogs that are unwanted of which some are lucky to get into a shelter. Many of these become unwanted, are given away, stray or cruelly neglected.?? Breeding seems to occur more rapidly while being able to find good homes for these pooches is challenging. This leads to a massive count of dogs euthanized every year.

The procedure helps this situation by reducing the number of unwanted litters, additionally aids your canine companions with health benefits like a healthier and longer lifespan, reduced behaviour issues and cancer that every pet lover will be appreciative of.?? Female dogs are at risk of mammary cancer and life-threatening uterine infections which are prevented when spayed. Likewise, for male dogs, they are prevented from contracting testicular cancer and behaviour issues, such as aggressiveness.

All such procedures have both pros and cons, however, the merits of Spaying or Neutering outweigh the cons and result in many people opting for the procedure to see their beloved hounds in the peak of health.

When is the right time to De-sex?

Traditionally dogs are spayed or neutered between six and nine months. Several factors affect and influence the timing of spaying and neutering. Although some clinics prefer to desex dogs as young as two months old. However, it is important that as a dog owner you discuss this with your vet to decide what is best for your individual dog.


Certain simple precautions need to be taken in order to ensure your pooch has a safe and calm recovery. It is important to discuss pain management, precautions and maintenance with your vet and be able to offer your dog the finest treatment and speedy recovery. A good way to scale recovery is that if the dog is at ease and active enough to play, he or she is probably doing fine. Always get your vets attention if you sense the slightest discomfort in your dog.

Misconceptions and Risk

A number of misconceptions persist with regards to spaying or neutering. Some common ones being, will the dog get fat, will it change his or her personality and such.?? None of this is true based on research like humans dogs get fat if they are fed excessively and have no exercise at all. Behavior shouldn???t change much if at all any dogs only become calmer. It is good to read up and speak with your vet if you have any specific concerns regarding the procedure as a whole. Spaying and Neutering are common procedures though like every surgical procedure there is always some degree of risk involved. All dogs must be given a thorough medical and physical exam to confirm its general good health prior to surgery.

Keeping a pet is a lifetime commitment and the one time expense of desexing will only bring in gains to both the dog and its owner.

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