Signs You Spoil Your Pet

July 26th, 2016

Do you treat your puppy??like a prince or princess? Perhaps your cat has the characteristics of ??royalty. These are ** signs you spoil your furry friend!


1. Your pets??meals are home cooked and made using only the very best ingredients.

Special food for dog

Organic. Free range. Buzz words aren’t just for human food anymore.


2. You give your pet treats like it’s going out of style and human food is definitely not off limits.

Cat with Salami REDUCED LOGO shutterstock_55917505

Try our recipes for healthy??treats you can make at home.


3.??Buying a new outfit for your pet brings you more happiness than buying a new outfit for yourself.

Dog in Tartan Petplan

Doggie designers and feline fashions are so hot right now!


4. Weekend are pet time! You consider hanging out with your pets equally as important, if not more important, than socialising with members of your own species.

Pretty lady with cat closeup

Pets are so much better than people!


5. You do your best to include your pet in social engagements whenever possible.

Women Dining with DogsObviously, your friends consider it a privileged to spend time with your fur baby!


??6. Your pet has her own social engagements, too.

Pomeranian with Presents Petplan

Dog birthdays. Cat weddings. Pets have a very active social life these days!


7. Your pets have their own social media account.

Petplan Social Media Dog

Share your pet’s photos with Petplan??using #PetplanVIP and connect with us on??Instagram??and Facebook.

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