The Unexpected For Life

March 20th, 2017


We all love our four legged friends and would go to any lengths possible to make them better in the case of an accident or illness. However, many owners have to face the difficult decision whether to choose money or their pet???s life in these circumstances.

Those that do not have pet insurance can find themselves having to pay thousands of dollars just to give their pet a chance at survival. With the rising costs of veterinary treatment, medical expenses for dogs and cats can reach an exorbitant amount quickly, leaving the owners with no other decision than to have them put to sleep.

Pet insurance allows owners to get the best possible treatment for their pet knowing that their vet bills will be covered and they can focus solely on the health of the pet instead of the increasing vet bills. Covered For Life policies allow your pet to be covered for ongoing illnesses for their entire life (if there is no break in cover).

Petplan???s Covered For Life cover is designed for pet owners concerned about their pet developing a long-term, chronic or reoccurring illness. Such conditions may include arthritis, diabetes, epilepsy, or even a chronic skin condition which may require treatment over a long period of time ??? often for life. Treatment costs can run into hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year.

With a Petplan Covered For Life plan, you will have much needed peace of mind knowing that your pet will be covered throughout their lifetime.

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