Posts Tagged ‘Client stories’


Why Your Dog Can Help You Live Longer

Friday, January 10th, 2014
Give your pooch an extra pat because his slobbery smile could be the key to a longer life.??Although the jury is still officially out when it comes to whether or not owning a dog actually helps you live longer we think t

Warm Weather Worries

Friday, December 6th, 2013
The warm weather and sunny days bring great opportunities for you and your pet to enjoy the summer weather. Be sure you keep your pet protected from the sun and the heat as they can both pose a significant threat to your

Why should I vaccinate my dog or cat?

Thursday, November 7th, 2013
Why you need to vaccinate your dog and cat? Dogs and cats are wonderful life long companions but just like us they need vaccinations to protect them from getting sick. Vaccinations are particularly important to protect y

Moonbeam, the Springer Spaniel with seven tumours

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013
Petplan is committed to helping all dogs, cats, horses and pet owners during difficult times. In the past three years Moonbeam, a beautiful English Springer Spaniel, had a run of bad luck with thyroid, gastric, ear, and